Codes & Policies
Helping Everyone Stay Safely in the Fast Lane
Guiding Principles so Everyone Enjoys the Journey
To help guide what we do and ensure we’re maintaining a safe environment for you, COTA has created a number of policy documents. These policies not only govern behavior on our transit vehicles, they also help direct how we operate. Learn more by selecting a policy or reading the information below.
- Disadvantaged Business Program
- Ethics
- Equal Employment Opportunity
- Fare Changes
- Privacy
- Public Records Requests
- Public Input to Service Changes
- Title VI
- Environmental Promise
- Terms of Use
Guidelines That Help Us Travel Safely
The Central Ohio Transit Authority’s highest priority is the safety, security and prosperity of its passengers and bus operators. We aim to deliver efficient, effective service to customers in an environment that is welcoming, comfortable and above all, safe.
If you have any feedback or questions concerning the safety and security of COTA buses, shelters, bus stops or facilities, please contact Customer Service at 614-228-1776, TTY/TTD 614-275-5878, or If you see something that you believe requires immediate attention from the police, fire department or ambulance, please call 911.
Remember: If you see something, say something.
The Passenger Code of Conduct outlines acceptable behaviors while riding a COTA bus or while visiting any COTA shelter or facility. To keep our passengers safe and comfortable, COTA reserves the right to deny service to those not in compliance with the following rules:
Plan your trip by visiting, contacting Customer Service at 614-228-1776 or using Transit App. Please be at your stop five minutes before the scheduled departure time. Please have your exact cash fare or correct fare media such as day pass, transfer, mobile phone, Connector SmartCard or ID card ready before boarding the bus.
COTA fareboxes do not issue change, but will issue vouchers for amounts $2 or greater upon request. Vouchers may be redeemed at the COTA Pass Sales Office at 33 N. High St., Columbus, Ohio 43215. Your bus operator may deny service if you do not have proper fare or improperly use fare media, such as using someone else’s ID card or using expired passes.
Strollers and carts are permitted on the bus. Please ensure that your child is secured and the wheels are locked. For your safety, bus operators must keep aisles and doorways clear and may request that you fold/collapse your stroller or cart or move to the rear of the bus with your stroller or cart.
Service animals trained to assist people with disabilities are welcome on board. Please keep your service animal on a leash and ensure they remain well behaved throughout the ride. Other animals or pets can ride only if they are inside a cage or case that fits on your lap.
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires that any ADA mobility device on board a bus be secured to protect your fellow passengers and yourself. The bus operator will secure your device. Passengers are asked to move from the priority seating area by the door to give seats to seniors and people with disabilities. Please cooperate with your bus operator to ensure everyone has a safe ride.
Motorized devices, such as scooters and Segways, are prohibited on the bus. Motorized devices do not include ADA mobility devices.
Your bus operator’s first concern is to ensure you arrive to your destination safely. Please avoid prolonged conversations with the bus operator while the bus is in motion.
Loud and disruptive behavior affects everyone. Avoid foul language or gestures, running and yelling. Throwing objects, spitting or fighting also is prohibited. Assaulting, harassing or intimidating the bus operator or other passengers could cause you to be arrested or banned from the bus.
Use a low speaking voice during cell phone conversations and avoid using offensive words. Use headphones with sound-producing electronic devices such as cell phones. Headphones should be kept at a low to moderate volume. Your favorite playlist should be a private experience.
No feet on the seat. Do not leave trash behind. Shirt and shoes must be worn while riding. COTA requires that its customers maintain acceptable hygiene when riding the bus. Refrain from exposing other passengers to bodily fluids of any kind or odors that may present serious health or safety risks.
Smoking, using any type of tobacco product or using e-cigarettes is prohibited. Please exhale all smoke before boarding. You cannot smoke on any COTA property such as bus shelters, terminals and buses.
Passengers are not permitted to eat or drink when riding. Any food or drink brought on board must be completely covered.
Using drugs or drinking alcohol on any COTA property violates COTA policy and Ohio law.
Illegal weapons are forbidden on any COTA property.
Dangerous equipment that may cause a fire or explosion on the bus such as car batteries, gas cans, lawn mowers or paint thinner is not allowed on the bus.
Soliciting, panhandling, canvassing, selling or distributing any material is prohibited on COTA property including the bus.
Let’s Roll and Stroll Together
For your convenience, strollers and carts are permitted on all COTA vehicles.
However, for your safety, Operators must keep aisles and doorways clear and may request that you comply with one or both of the following guidelines:
- Fold or collapse your stroller or cart
- Move to the rear of the bus with your stroller or cart
The Reasons We Could Make a Fare Change
COTA has a duty to operate in a fiscally prudent and financially sound manner. For that reason, we may need to adjust the passenger fare structure periodically. This allows customers to continue paying a fair and reasonable portion of the cost of providing transit service.
COTA evaluates changes to the fare structure every three years. Considerations include farebox recovery ratios, affordability, inflation and comparable fares in other cities. COTA values and considers all public input regarding fare policies and proposals.
The last proposed fare adjustments occurred in 2018. Prior to those adjustments, four public meetings took place and included the following Meeting Presentation Deck: Slideshare or PDF.
Fare Change Policy
Our goal is for the annual ratio of total farebox revenues when compared to total expenses (the “farebox ratio”) to be similar to the national industry average for all transit systems of similar size and service levels.
- Every other year, COTA prepares an update to a projected financial summary for the next five years. That update is included in our Short Range Transit Plan (SRTP) and indicates the timing and extent of future proposed fare changes.
- The actual need to implement a projected fare change will be reviewed during COTA’s annual budgeting process.
- COTA will hold a public meeting in an accessible downtown location to ask for public comment and discussion at least two months before implementing any fare increase.
- The COTA Board of Trustees and management will actively consider all public comments prior to finalizing any fare increase proposal. This consideration will include a thorough analysis of any suggested alternatives to a proposed fare increase.
The following activities will take place after formal approval of a fare change, but prior to the effective date of the fare change, in order to inform users of the change:
- The Ohio Department of Transportation will be notified of the change;
- Press releases describing the changes will be sent to general-circulation newspapers, radio and TV stations;
- Any other activities deemed necessary by COTA
Fare Equity Analysis Policy
(as adopted by the Board of Trustees on 6/26/13)
- The FTA requires COTA to evaluate the effects of fare changes on minority populations and low-income populations.
- A minority population is any readily identifiable group of minority persons (persons identified by race, color or national origin) who live in geographic proximity.
- A low-income population is any readily identifiable group of households who live in geographic proximity and whose median household income is at or below 150% of the Department of Health and Human Services Poverty Guidelines.
- For proposed changes that would increase or decrease the fares on the entire system, or on certain transit modes, or by fare payment type or fare media, COTA shall analyze any available information generated from ridership surveys indicating whether minority and/or low-income riders are disproportionately more likely to use the mode of service, payment type or payment media that would be subject to the fare change.
- COTA shall then—
- Determine the number and percent of users of each fare media being changed;
- Review fares before the change and after the change;
- Compare the percentage differences for each particular fare media between minority users and overall users; and
- Compare the percentage differences for each particular fare media between low-income users and overall users.
- Should a proposed fare change result in a disparate impact, COTA will consider modifying the proposed changes to avoid, minimize or mitigate the disparate impact of the change.
- Where disparate impacts are identified, COTA shall provide a meaningful opportunity for public comment on any proposed mitigation measures, including any less discriminatory alternatives that may be available.
- If COTA chooses not to alter the proposed fare changes despite the disparate impact on minority ridership, or if COTA finds, even after the revisions, that minority riders will continue to bear a disproportionate share of the proposed fare change, COTA may implement the fare change only if:
- COTA has a substantial justification for the proposed change, and
- COTA can show that there are no alternatives that would have a less disparate impact on minority riders but would still accomplish COTA’s legitimate program goals.
- If at the conclusion of the analysis, COTA finds that low-income populations will bear a disproportionate burden of the proposed fare change, COTA will consider modifying the proposed changes to avoid, minimize or mitigate the disproportionate burdens of the change, where practicable.
Fare Structure
(as adopted by Board of Trustees on 11/17/2009)
- A 20% farebox recovery ratio is hereby adopted as the appropriate ratio target to be considered by staff, along with affordability and other criteria, when recommending future fare increase.
- The President/CEO be, and hereby is, authorized to take such further action and execute and deliver such further documents as, acting with the advice of counsel, shall be deemed necessary and appropriate to carry out the intent of this Resolution. [See above Fare Change Policy]
Refund Policy and Procedures
All sales are final. No refunds will be provided for any passes (paper and/or electronic) or stored value remaining on a COTA account (mobile/Smartcard).
Refunds requests due to the October 2021 change in fare policy
In conjunction with the implementation of the new fare management system, Masabi, COTA updated its fare structure as follows:
- Elimination of the upcharge on the rush hour routes (applies to all customers)
- Modify transfer to allow for two-hour accessibility (no one-way restriction) (applies toall customers)
- Modification to the definition of “Children” for the purposes of determining discounteligibility (applies to all customers)
- Implementation of fare capping (applies to all Masabi account-based system users)
Elimination of the upcharge on the rush hour route is the only change that will result in customers having potentially “overpaid” for their pass. This applies to customers that purchased 31-day express passes prior to October 17, 2021 (at which point 31-day express passes stopped being sold). In these instances, CEC representatives will provide a complementary 7-day pass to all customers the present a 31-day express pass at the CEC (valued at $25.00). Since the revenue has already been recognized by COTA, there are no actions that need to be taken by CEC representatives in the POS system.
We Always Want to Hear from You
COTA shares each of its initiatives online and in public meetings, which allows the community to provide comments. View our ongoing community initiatives here.
To provide your thoughts on how COTA can improve our service, please contact us. We welcome your feedback by email or on Facebook or Twitter.
For comments on major COTA initiatives, please use the following email address to ensure the appropriate team receives your input.
- CMAX Cleveland Avenue BRT –
- NextGen –
- Transit System Redesign –
What We Collect and How We Protect It
COTA is aware that visitors to our website may have certain concerns. To help you better understand the type of information this website collects and how that information is used, we have created this . Please review the policy from time to time to check for updates.
- Public Record
- Automatically Collected Information
- Personal Information
- Privacy and Security
Public Record
As a political subdivision of the state of Ohio, COTA is subject to certain statutory exceptions. Most documents and records maintained by COTA, including but not limited to electronic data, are public records under Ohio law. Therefore, information submitted through this website may be subject to disclosure pursuant to a public records request. If you have questions about the Ohio Public Records laws, refer to Ohio’s Revised Code, Section 149.43. Additionally, personal and other information provided to this site may be subject to judicial or other government subpoenas, warrants or orders.
Automatic Collection of Certain Information
No personally identifiable information is collected from visitors who simply browse this site or who download information from it. While our web servers maintain logs of user activity to help us manage the website, information stored in these logs does not identify you personally. The logs store things such as the domain name and IP address from which you access our site, the type of browser and operating system you used, the date and time you accessed our site, the pages visited and the address of the site that you linked to us from (if you linked to our website from another website). We may use this information to learn how many visitors we have, where they are coming from, which parts of our website are of most interest to visitors and other facts that will help us improve the website and the services we offer.
Personal Information
You may be asked to provide personal information in certain fields on this website. Visitors who request services through this site may be required to furnish additional information in order for us to provide the service requested. We may share this information with other organizations to provide the help you are requesting. We may also use that information to help assess user needs and analyze trends.
The information collected on this site is used for the purpose for which it is requested. Examples of such information is information included in resumes, job applications, Mainstream registration, Senior ID registration, vendor/contractor registration, account registration, e-newsletter registrations and information from the “Contact Us” link for questions or comments on this website. By using our services and accessing our site for any such purpose, you are consenting to the information collection and use of the information for the intended purposes.
Privacy and Security
We will limit our use of your personal information to the performance of our functions and activities and to fulfill our legal obligations. We will not rent or sell any Internet information identifying you individually (name, address, phone, number, etc.) to third-parties for marketing or mailing list. Those who communicate with and supply us with contact information may receive future communications by email, direct mail or telephone.
If you do not wish to receive any correspondence from the Central Ohio Transit Authority please ask to be removed from our contact lists in one of the following ways:
- Send a letter to: COTA Marketing Department, 33 N. High St., Columbus, Ohio 43215
- Email our team at
Some information that you submit to us through this website may be protected by encryption technology, whereas other information may not. Unless a particular web page on this site indicates that encryption technology is being used, you should not assume that information you submit through the page will be secure.
COTA has implemented reasonable security measures in order to protect both personal and non-personal information from loss, misuse and unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration or destruction. COTA shall not be held liable for any injury caused by the disclosure of your information, whether by security breach, accident, inadvertence or any other act resulting in disclosure.