Lost & Found

We Can Help You Find Left-Behind Items

Your Search for Lost Items Starts Here

We’ve all been there. We’re moving quickly, thinking about other things and we leave something behind.

COTA Bus and COTA//Plus Customers
COTA Mainstream Customers

COTA Bus and COTA//Plus Customers

If you think you left something on the bus, please call us at 614-228-1776 right away. We will do our very best to find your lost item quickly.

To help us help you, please provide any combination of the following information:

  • Your line number
  • Bus number
  • Operator number
  • Bus stop number
  • Travel direction and time of travel

If we find your lost item, you can collect it after 1:00 p.m. on the next business day at COTA’s Administrative Offices at 1600 McKinley Avenue, Columbus, OH 43222, open Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm.

To make the claim process quick and easy, please be prepared to:

  • Provide an accurate description of the item(s)
  • Sign the property claim tag with your name and address

Unfortunately, we don’t always find lost items. Also, because we have limited storage space, we cannot keep lost items longer than seven (7) days. Bikes are the exception.

Bikes left on the bus bike racks and not reclaimed within 60 days are donated to approved non-profit organizations in accordance with COTA. For questions regarding this process, or to be added to the approved list, please email

COTA Mainstream Customers

COTA Mainstream customers, items found on the vehicle will be stored at COTA Mobility Services Facility located at 1330 Fields Avenue. Items will only be held for seven days. Items not claimed will be disposed after seven days. To check if your item is in lost and found, please contact the Dispatch office at 614-272-3007.