What Is Our Short Range Transit Plan (SRTP)?

Inclusivity and equity are at the center of everything we do. Our Short Range Transit Plan (SRTP) analyzed the existing transit market in Central Ohio and COTA’s ability to serve that market in a five-year time frame (2023–2027). The goal was to articulate the direction of COTA’s mission, which is to move every life forward, using the lens of improving service operations to best meet the needs of everyone in Central Ohio.

Our Approach

We took a multi-pronged approach to evaluate our service:

  • We held meetings with customers, citizens, Team COTA, municipalities and stakeholders
  • Service planners and schedulers reviewed the entire COTA system
  • We collaboratively reviewed our strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats

What We Learned

We summarized what we found in three areas:

1 Transit Service2 Transit Need3 Transit Potential

Why It Matters

The SRTP serves as a vital tool to:

  • Assess our current operations
  • Improve service for our customers
  • Describe future transit enhancements
  • Prioritize expenditures, service and funding to serve Central Ohio’s mobility needs
  • Reinforce capital project priorities

COTA’s SRTP is part of the Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission (MORPC) Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) process. Both the SRTP and TIP are updated every 2 years. You can learn more about that the TIP process here.


Read the Plan

Read The Most Current Version Of The Short Range Transit Plan Here: