Contribute Toward a New Amenity

Financially support a new transit stop amenity.

Accessible, equitable transit starts with well-maintained transit stops. You can help improve the mobility experience in your neighborhood by contributing toward a new amenity. Amenities include features such as trash cans, benches, shelters and lights at a transit stop. Popular amenities and their pricing can be viewed here. Your participation in this program ensures a strong, safe mobility experience for all in your community. Contributing to transit amenities is also a sustainable way to better your neighborhood. Our durable features are weatherproof and guaranteed to last for future customers.

Get started!

To begin the contribution process, please complete the online form below. You can also submit a paper version of this form to our Customer Experience Center (33 N. High St.). If you use internet explorer as your browser, please complete the paper version of the form. A member of Team COTA will use the information below to contact you regarding the preliminary application fee and next steps. Please note that amenities may take up to six months to be installed following completion of a contribution agreement and receipt of payment.

    Contact Information

    Transit Stop Information

    Interested in supporting more than one transit stop? Then please fill out a separate form for each desired contribution. Rest assured that multiple locations from the same requesting party will be considered in relation to any site improvement related costs.


    We’re here to help! Email us at for assistance.